5 ways to manage condensation in Seek Outside tents
A Little Bug Out during a snowstorm. In spite of the high-humidity environment, condensation was not a problem here due to the consistent 50 mph winds.Condensation. It is a fact of life in…
A Little Bug Out during a snowstorm. In spite of the high-humidity environment, condensation was not a problem here due to the consistent 50 mph winds.Condensation. It is a fact of life in…
At Seek Outside we make a wide range of products, under one roof, for customers with a huge variety of passions, interests, and outdoor pursuits. On any given day we'll get phone calls from h…
These are to scale drawings. Animated drawings are short youtube videos. This is a work in process. For reference bags are 6'5" and 30 inches wide at shoulders and represent a large 10 degree…
When we released it two years ago the BT-2 (Beyond Timberline, the red shelter below) was the smallest tipi on the market, both groundbreaking and under the radar. Groundbreaking because it b…
Pyramid shelters (mids) have been a staple for weight and space conscious adventurers for a long time. The Chouinard Equipment mid of the 70s and 80s is just the most prominent and influential…
We recently had a chance to chat with mountain biker and film maker Matt Hunter about the Foodless Odyssey trip which involved hunting, gathering and fishing for food during a week long mountain bi…
A flat tarp is the most versatile backcountry shelter. The same tarp can be pitched high as a sun shade while rafting in the summer, and buttoned down to the ground for security during a windy f…
Kevin recently had a chance to talk with Dave and Amy Freeman about the year they spent in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA). Topics discussed were challenges, wilderness access, food, gear, fu…
Backcountry hunters who focus on lightweight performance come up with some cool tricks when it comes to loading their bags for a mobile hunt. Here are a few that we’ve picked up along the way from o…
Thank you to all who submitted photos in July for our Cimarron Photo Contest! There were some great shots of the Cimarron tents in action.The runner up was @jason_crusch with a nice shot of the Cim…
We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Branscum, a photographer and creative director whose most recent project with Comfort Theory in New Zealand took him on one of the world’s newest th…
We kicked off a new photo contest series in July with a challenge for the “Best Cimarron Photo” and we’d like to thank all who have participated! We’ve received some outstanding entries. During the…
Selecting a high quality, lightweight shelter for the backcountry is an important purchase for any outdoor enthusiast. So it’s important to make sure that you know how to properly care for your tipi…
At Seek Outside, we’re proud of the gear we make. But we’re most proud of the great team that makes it right here in Colorado. From concept to finished product, it’s all made by hand in the U.S. The…
We recently sat down at Seek Outside headquarters for a round table discussion on gear and packing for an elk hunt. Specifically, we focused our discussion on mid-season hunting during the 2 nd…
We’re proud to let you know about a few recent gear reviews that have featured Seek Outside products, both tents and backpacks. These are not paid sponsors, but hardcore gear users who offered genui…
We are excited to announce a new series of Seek Outside photo contests beginning in July. The photos of your favorite Seek Outside products could help you win free gear…or at least some bragging rig…
In anticipation of the upcoming hunting season, our friends over at Kawdy Outfitters have decided to give away some free hunting gear, including one of our Peregrine backpacks. Enter now for a chan…