

Blog Categories

Where we've been and where we are going

At Seek Outside we make a wide range of products, under one roof, for customers with a huge variety of passions, interests, and outdoor pursuits.  On any given day we'll get phone calls from h…

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Tent Comparisons and Drawings

Tent Comparisons and Drawings

These are to scale drawings. Animated drawings are short youtube videos. This is a work in process. For reference bags are 6'5" and 30 inches wide at shoulders and represent a large 10 degree…

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The BT-2 and the Silvertip explained

When we released it two years ago the BT-2 (Beyond Timberline, the red shelter below) was the smallest tipi on the market, both groundbreaking and under the radar.  Groundbreaking because it b…

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Why our 'mids are different

Pyramid shelters (mids) have been a staple for weight and space conscious adventurers for a long time. The Chouinard Equipment mid of the 70s and 80s is just the most prominent and influential…

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Product Focus: DST tarp

A flat tarp is the most versatile backcountry shelter.  The same tarp can be pitched high as a sun shade while rafting in the summer, and buttoned down to the ground for security during a windy f…

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Announcing the July Photo Contest Winner

Thank you to all who submitted photos in July for our Cimarron Photo Contest! There were some great shots of the Cimarron tents in action.The runner up was @jason_crusch with a nice shot of the Cim…

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Enter The Seek Outside August Photo Contest

We kicked off a new photo contest series in July with a challenge for the “Best Cimarron Photo” and we’d like to thank all who have participated! We’ve received some outstanding entries. During the…

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Tent and Tipi Cleaning and Storage Tips

Selecting a high quality, lightweight shelter for the backcountry is an important purchase for any outdoor enthusiast. So it’s important to make sure that you know how to properly care for your tipi…

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Roundup of Recent Product Reviews

We’re proud to let you know about a few recent gear reviews that have featured Seek Outside products, both tents and backpacks. These are not paid sponsors, but hardcore gear users who offered genui…

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