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How To Reduce Tent Condensation

How To Reduce Tent Condensation

How to Reduce Tent Condensation Nobody likes tent condensation, however every tent gets condensation in the right conditions. The difference is simply how much condensation and do you notice the c…

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What is a Seek Outside Factory Blem?

What is a Seek Outside Factory Blem?

Mistakes happen and when they happen at Seek Outside it can save you some cash! A Factory Blemished shelter or backpack from SO is a product that comes through one of our inspection points and we find…

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Hunting Backpack Fit

Hunting Backpack Fit

Western big game hunters are masochists. No other sport combines such effort and exhaustion in pursuit of an animal - that is in exponentially better shape than you - with the foreboding cer…

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Nutrition 101 for Backcountry Hunters

Nutrition 101 for Backcountry Hunters

As if organizing your tags, scouting locations, preparing your gear, and physical conditioning wasn’t enough, meal planning for your backcountry hunts can add an additional layer of complication. You’…

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How To Cut Your Backpack Hunting Weight

How To Cut Your Backpack Hunting Weight

Want to cut your backpack hunting weight? Don’t know where to start? Big game hunting while living out of a backpack is an elite (crazy) sport, and the weight you carry is critical.  This isn’t…

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Gear Suggestions for Hunting the West

Gear Suggestions for Hunting the West

Did you recently draw a western United States hunting tag? Whether you knew you were going to draw or not you are probably now looking for a few extra pieces of gear to throw into your kit or build a…

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Father's Day Gift Guide

Father's Day Gift Guide

Dad jokes can either make you laugh or cringe. If you have a teller of dad jokes in your life, you may be looking for a gift as rad as your dad! Check out our Father's Day Gift guide! Warning: All pun…

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Product Focus: Goshawk with Top Lid

Product Focus: Goshawk with Top Lid

The new Goshawk is a pack that I would say is “sitting nicely in the sweet spot”. It has enough capacity (4800 Cubic Inches) to stuff a week’s worth of adventure gear in while remaining small enough s…

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Faces of Seek Outside: Joe H.

Faces of Seek Outside: Joe H.

Joe at Seek Outside enjoys fly fishing, mountain biking, backpacking, hunting, photography, hiking, painting and gazing at the gorgeous Colorado night sky. No, this isn’t a dating advertisement, (alth…

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Faces of Seek Outside: Lacie Jurado

Faces of Seek Outside: Lacie Jurado

“Desert Alpinism” is a term coined by Seek Outside’s Lacie Jurado. It entails climbing desert towers in Western Colorado’s Colorado National Monument while scoping out the unique desert flora wit…

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Product Focus:  Seek Outside Brooks

Product Focus: Seek Outside Brooks

Who needs the Brooks? Hunters who want one backpack to do everything. The Brooks covers all trips from dayhunt to multi-week backpack sheep hunt, or packrafters on long unsupported expeditio…

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Nest Comparison & Overview

Nest Comparison & Overview

A nest is a fine mesh inner tent with a zippered door and a waterproof bathtub floor. All of our shelters have nests that will fit in them. Nests provide protection from crawling or flying insec…

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Fire Starting & Wood Prep

Fire Starting & Wood Prep

Watch: How to Start A Fire In A Hot Tent“Tipi’s pitched on a sandbar of an Alaskan river, it’s been raining for four days, EVERYTHING is soaked, how do I light a fire in my stove?”We get asked this an…

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